Guest request system
Members may bring no more than two guests per day to the UCOA. Guests must be approved by a Trustee prior to being on the property. To get an approval for a guest send an email to: In the subject field type: Guest Request and include in the email; Your Name, phone number, name of the guest(s) and date when you will be at the range. You must be with your guests at all times. Members are responsible for guests actions while on UCOA property. Guests must follow all UCOA policies (same as a member) while on the property. You will get an email reply approving your request. Print off a copy of the email and have with you when at the range with your guest.
New Membership
We are accepting new members at this time. Please click the New Member Application button to download an application and bring it with you to a safety training session (please do not mail application or drop off at clubhouse). All new members are required to attend a safety training session prior to having range access. Training will be held several times per year, please check the home page for times and dates. Training takes approximately one hour. Applications will be available at the training session as well. Membership dues are $100 the first year and $75 thereafter, Dues are nonrefundable. Dues must be paid at training session before card will be issued. No registration required.
Check the home page for the time and date of the next training session. No sign-up needed. We will have applications forms available at the clubhouse.
The UCOA is a private club which requires a membership in order to access the clubs facility. The only exceptions to this rule are the sporting events sanctioned by the club including trap and skeet practice on Thursday evenings, Steel Challenge on the second Sunday of each month, 3rd Sunday trap shoot, and IDPA events (see Events and Information page). Only the public events are open to the public and not the entire facility.
Membership renewal dates are either July 1 or December 31 depending when you joined. Thirty days prior to your expiration you will receive a renewal notification in the mail. Membership dues are $100 the first year ($75 for dues and $25 initiation fee) and $75 per year thereafter. Membership dues are nonrefundable. If you let your membership lapse more than 365 days you will need to retake the safety training. Please keep your gate security card as they aren't replaced each year. The replacement cost of a lost gate security card costs $20.
All UCOA members must agree to abide by the constitution and range rules set forth by the UCOA Trustee's. Any violation of the constitution or range rules will revoke your membership. As a member:
You have access to the facility grounds, rifle and pistol range, trap range, archery range and pond.
You may run for a board or trustee position.
You have one voting right at the board meetings.
Members must have their membership card in their possession and visible at all times while at the facility.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you have a new address after becoming a member please let the UCOA know of the change so this does not interrupt your membership.