UCOA Shooting Events


The 4th Sunday of every month.

Steel Challenge:

The second Saturday or Sunday of the month.  See Steel Challenge page for details

UCOA Monthly 75 Bird Trap Shoot:
The third Sunday of every month. Open to the public.
75 Bird (50 bird during the winter months) program (25 @ 16 yards, 25 @ 20 yards, 25@ 23 yards)
Practice traps open at 11:30 am, program starts at 12:30 pm

Trap and Skeet Practice:
Every Thursday starting at 4:00 pm, the trap and skeet range is open to the public for practice. The trap and skeet range are lighted. Each round is $6.00. 

NRA Basic Pistol:
The UCOA offers shooters a NRA Basic Pistol class. Anyone that has an interest in learning about pistols and shooting or want to apply for an Ohio CCW license can take this class. Check the Calendar for dates for upcoming classes or contact Joe Dippelhofer @ 567-525-4664.

Intermediate Pistol Class:

This class is the next logical step for pistol training. The NRA Basic Pistol class provided you a sound foundation, now is the time to think about being prepared to conceal carry with your handgun. This class will reinforce safe gun handling skills, proper how-to draw from a concealed holster, proper loading and unloading, clearing malfunctions, shooting while moving and the use of cover. This is a one day course spent on the range. Course requirements; belt holster, magazine holder, at least 3 magazines and 250-300 rounds of ammo. Contact – Jon Nelson 419-889-9930 for registration